When was Atara Biotherapeutics founded?

Atara Biotherapeutics was founded in August 2012.

Where and when was Atara Biotherapeutics incorporated?

Atara Biotherapeutics was incorporated in the state of Delaware in August 2012.

Where is Atara Biotherapeutics's corporate headquarters?

2380 Conejo Spectrum St, Suite 200
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
(650) 278-8930

What is Atara Biotherapeutics's fiscal year-end?

December 31st

Who is Atara Biotherapeutics's independent registered public accounting firm?

Deloitte & Touche LLP

On which exchange is Atara Biotherapeutics's listed and what is the ticker symbol?

Atara Biotherapeutics is traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the symbol “ATRA”.

When did Atara Biotherapeutics go public?

Atara Biotherapeutics went public on October 15, 2014.

How can I purchase shares?

Shares can be purchased through a stockbroker of your choice.

Does Atara Biotherapeutics have a direct stock purchase plan?

Atara Biotherapeutics does not offer a direct stock purchase plan.

Does Atara Biotherapeutics pay dividends and have a dividend reinvestment program?

Currently, Atara Biotherapeutics does not offer a dividend or a dividend reinvestment program.

What is Atara Biotherapeutics's CUSIP number?

046513 107

Who is Atara Biotherapeutics's transfer agent and how do I contact them?

Computershare Trust Company, N.A. Correspondence should be mailed to:

P.O. Box 505000
Louisville, KY 40233

Overnight correspondence should be sent to:

462 South 4th Street, Suite 1600
Louisville, KY 40202

(877) 373-6374 (U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico)
(781) 575-2879 (non-U.S.)

web.queries@computershare.com (please include a reference to “Atara Biotherapeutics”)

Who do I contact regarding lost stock certificates, address changes, and changes of ownership or name in which shares are held?

Please contact our transfer agent, Computershare Trust Company, N.A.

Who can I contact if I am a member of the media?

For media inquiries please send an email to jawe@atarabio.com.

How can I sign up to receive Atara Biotherapeutics's press releases and other company information?

Please visit the “Investor Relations” section of our investor relations website and choose the "Email Alerts" button to be added to the Atara Biotherapeutics distribution list.

How can I get a copy of your annual report and other periodic reports?

Electronic copies of our Annual Report and other periodic reports are available on this website. If you would like to request paper copies of the Annual Report or other periodic reports, send your request in writing to:

Atara Biotherapeutics, Inc.
Attn: Investor Relations
611 Gateway Boulevard
Suite 900
South San Francisco, CA 94080